Vol. 15 No. 1 (2022): Winter of Variants

The Indian Dilemma in Ukraine: Racism, Politics and Career Fallout for Medical Students

Published 2022-03-08


  • Ukraine,
  • War,
  • Indian,
  • Medical Students,
  • Bias,
  • Racism
  • ...More

How to Cite

Chakravorty, I. (2022). The Indian Dilemma in Ukraine: Racism, Politics and Career Fallout for Medical Students. Sushruta Journal of Health Policy & Opinion, 15(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.38192/15.1.6


The war in Ukraine has exposed the vulnerability of the Indian medical students who have little options but to study abroad due to the deficit of medical training infrastructure in India. The challenges of life in a foriegn country comes in many guieses even before the start of the invasion. India's abstention from the UN Security Council resolutions related to the conflict stems from a complicated political position and dependence on the Russian Federation for much of the military hardware.

Not that this complicated political relationship should not necessarily affect the life and fate of Indian students - but it does. Civilians including foreign students are always affected by conflict. This leads to displacement, loss of life or limb, destruction of civilian infrastructure and a huge setback to education, health and wellbeing.

The prevalence of bias, racism and discrimination faced by many during the mass evacuation is a double whammy and unfortunately a manifestation of the fractions that exist in such societal fabric. The Indian government's heroic efforts in evacuating over 18,000 students via Operation Ganga is commendable but a serious rethink is needed to provide the investment, infrastructure and opportunities that the India needs for it people and its future.


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