Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021): Year of the Nurse

Does a Narrow Definition of Medical Professionalism lead to Systemic Bias and Differential Outcomes? : A Narrative Commentary

Ananta Dave MD FRCPsych
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Lincoln, UK
Naureen Bhatti FRCGP
Health Education England, London, UK
Joydeep Grover MBBS FRCEM
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK
Rosanna Geddes
Medical Defence Shield, UK
Triya A Chakravorty BA(Oxon)
University of Oxford, UK
Satheesh Mathew MD FRCPCH
British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Bedford, UK
Shivani Sharma, MBPsS, PGCert, FHEA, CPsychol 
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
Indranil Chakravorty MBBS PhD FRCP
St Georges University Hospitals Foundation Trust, London, UK
capt Tom Moore by Aria

Published 2021-02-23


  • differential attainment,
  • Regulator,
  • Medical Professionalism,
  • General Medical Council

How to Cite

Dave, A., Bhatti, N., Grover, J., Geddes, R., Chakravorty, T., Mathew, S. ., … Chakravorty, I. (2021). Does a Narrow Definition of Medical Professionalism lead to Systemic Bias and Differential Outcomes? : A Narrative Commentary. Sushruta Journal of Health Policy & Opinion, 14(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.38192/14.1.13


The concept of medical professionalism is enshrined in the principles of Good Medical Practice (GMP), upheld by the General Medical Council (GMC), and is applicable to all doctors as well as undergraduate students in the United Kingdom. The principles were conceived, developed and implemented to ensure that the highest standards of medical practice are adhered to for the safety of the public and to retain trust in the medical profession. The GMC has a statutory duty to ensure that professional standards are maintained. Approximately 1% of doctors on the medical register are subject to investigation by the GMC, based on referrals made by employing organisations or the public.

While appropriate GMC investigation is essential to maintain standards, patient safety and public confidence, there are inherent inequalities in the process resulting in widely different outcomes for certain groups of students or doctors based on Black and minority ethnicity, male gender and non-UK primary medical qualification often leading to devastating consequences.

This narrative review considers the contributors to differential attainment (DA) and the impact on the health service, patients and individual wellbeing. It explores the tenets of a current narrow definition of professionalism which, while representing the unidimensional White majority view, ignores the huge diversity of the workforce and the public, thus exposing significant tensions for groups of professionals.  The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the inherent systemic bias in the health service for both professionals and the public. This review recommends root and branch reform of the definition of professionalism, by engagement with the public and the workforce, to incorporate principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, which the authors believe will create the environment for a just and equitable professional experience. 1 


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