Published 2020-04-19
- NHS,
- Indian,
- Healthcare professionals
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Doctors and nurses from the Indian subcontinent have been working in the UK healthcare sector for over a 100 years. Initially only open to Europeans, Indians were allowed to enter the Indian Medical Service (IMS) in 1855, although the requisite was that they had to sit exams based in London and had to be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). At the time there were many schools training Indian doctors, but only as licentiates. In relation to medical education, through pressure applied by the IMS, indigenous courses for the training of Indian doctors were abolished and several medical colleges, modelled along western pedagogic styles, were established. The staff of all these colleges were appointed from the IMS and their methods of instruction were virtually indistinguishable from those practised in England and Scotland. Indian degrees were recognised in 1892 by the GMC and this recognition persisted until 1975, with a short interlude in the mid-1930s when there was a dispute between the GMC and the Government of India about the quality of Indian medical education. 1
- Esmail A. Asian doctors in the NHS: service and betrayal. Br J Gen Pract. 2007 Oct;57(543):827-34. PMID: 17925142; PMCID: PMC2151817.
- Royal Commission on the NHS, Sub-Committee B Overseas Doctors, Note by the Secretariat (no date). BS 6 /3573, National Archives, Kew.
- Avatar Productions, Bang Post Production (post-production), Rondo Media. The Indian Doctor (2010-). Distributors; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (2010) (UK) (TV)
- Kyriakides C, Virdee S. Migrant labour, racism and the British National Health Service. Ethn Health. 2003;8(4):283–305.
- Smith D. Overseas doctors in the National Health Service. London: Policy Studies Institute; 1980.
- Nichols J 1 , Campbell J. The experiences of internationally recruited nurses in the UK (1995-2007): an integrative review. J Clin Nurs. 2010 Oct;19(19-20):2814-23. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03119.x.
- Alexis O 1 , Vydelingum V , Robbins I. Engaging with a new reality: experiences of overseas minority ethnic nurses in the NHS. J Clin Nurs. 2007 Dec;16(12):2221-8.
- Fiona Johnson: Diversity within diversity: Nuffield Trust, 2018
- Simpson JM, Esmail A, Kalra VS, Snow SJ. Writing migrants back into NHS history: addressing a collective amnesia' and its policy implications. J R Soc Med. 2010;103(10):392–396. doi:10.1258/jrsm.2010.100222
- Johnson MRD, McGee P. Globalising care. Diversity in Health and Social Care 2005;2:1–