Published 2023-04-05
- Equity,
- Leadership,
- Female doctor
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Copyright (c) 2022 Shailja Chaturvedi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Globally there is an increasing participation of women in the general workforce, but the healthcare workforce has always had a higher proportion of women. It is estimated that the majority of the 75% of women who constitute the global health workforce mostly occupy the lower ranks. Among doctors, women are under-represented in positions of power and influence.
This article aims to increase awareness of factors that impede the potential of women doctors, and considers initiatives that could be implemented in the healthcare sector to address the gender inequality, including a fair representation in positions of leadership and influence. Although this article will focus primarily on issues related to gender equality, the author recognises the impact of intersectionality of the factors that contribute to differential attainment.
Diverse workforces tend to perform better in productivity, innovation, balanced decision-making and job satisfaction. There is research suggesting that women doctors have better communication skills, spend more time with patients, adhere better to guidelines and may even have better outcomes in healthcare decision-making. Women tend to anchor their leadership in purpose and impact rather than personal ambitions or power; demonstrate emotional intelligence in inspiring their teams, and promote collaborative working in the interest of the organisations they lead.
There is an opportunity to learn from initiatives that promote women in leadership roles, as well as published reviews that encourage organisations to address gender disparity in pay and positions of influence. Now is the time to add the multiple dimensions of diversity and intersectionality to this initiative for gender equality and justice in the medical workforce.
Keywords: Equity, leadership, woman doctor
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